Glaucoma affects over 60 million people around the world

Glaucoma is referred to as the sneak thief of sight and can be present without a patient even knowing. As the nerve fibers in the optic nerve are damaged in glaucoma, there is a gradual and painless loss of vision.
The eyes use a natural drainage system that allows fluid to exit the eye, keeping the pressure within a normal range.  When the drainage system forms a blockage that prevents the fluid from draining and the pressure in the eye increases. When the pressure inside the eye rises it may cause damage the optic nerve.  If left untreated, glaucoma causes a slow and sometimes unnoticed loss of vision.
Pressure in an eye with glaucoma damages the optic nerve in the back of the eye and, if untreated, can lead to vision loss. Several new tools have recently emerged from ophthalmology research laboratories to become part of the state-of-the-art eye care that doctors provide.



Eye stents are approximately 1-millimeter-long and inserted into the drainage system of the eye.  At the time of surgery cataract surgery, the stent is placed through a small corneal incision into the filtering meshwork. The stent then acts as a drainage system between the anterior chamber of the eye and Schlemm’s canal and permits the eye to drain fluid, thus reducing intraocular pressure.

Stents are permanent openings that do not need to be changed. While many patients who receive stent implants still require glaucoma medications, their need for them is largely reduced. The implant surgery is an outpatient procedure, requiring follow-up the day after.

Patients can return to normal activities immediately, with the exception of strenuous activities that may cause the eye to strain for 1 week.